Financial Calendar
Documento di ammissione
03/24/2021 Board of Directors for approval of the 2020 draft financial statements
23/04/2021 (1st Call) Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for approval of the 2020 financial statements
29/04/2021 (2nd call) Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for approval of the 2020 financial statements
09/24/2021 Board of Directors for approval of the half-yearly financial report as of June 30, 2021 voluntarily submitted to an audit
23/03/2022 Board of Directors for the approval of the 2021 Financial Statement
22/04/2022 (1st Call) Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for approval of the financial statements for 2022
28/04/2022 (2nd Call) Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for approval of the financial statements for 2022
23/09/2022 Board of Directors for the approval of the half-yearly financial report as of 30 June 2022 voluntarily submitted to an audit